If you are interested in understanding how a “system” of asset management can support your organisation, we offer a number of learning opportunities that can be tailored to meet your needs.
In collaboration with Asset Wisdom, we are delighted to be able to offer housing specific asset management training, alongside asset wisdoms extensive e-learning modules, both of which is built to IAM standards, are eligible for CPD credits & prepare the user for the foundation & certificate courses, all while providing context exclusive to the housing sector, so your employees can directly link the learning to their working environment.
This housing workshop will give a concise understanding of asset management in the housing sector and will provide greater appreciation of the people who should be involved in Asset Management and stimulate appetite for adopting a different approach while using real and relevant examples within affordable housing to demonstrate certain principles.
We can help members of your organisation, through in-depth training courses, gain the knowledge necessary to undertake institute of asset management foundation and certificate exams, which in turn leads to a greater level of asset management competency in your organisation.