Find out more about our award winning decision support tool:

Based on results of Fathom analysis carried out for a mid-sized housing provider in the south west

1 %

In additional grant funding per offsite home

£ 1

demonstrated whole life additional NPV benefits per home over 60 years

Providing confidence in every decision

When making decisions about investment, we can often be guilty of looking at the upfront costs, without giving too much thought to the future costs.  Fathom enables organisations to understand the whole life cycle costs of an investment, including any potential risk costs plus any benefits achieve through social value.

Whether you’re a developer, housing association or manufacturer, our innovative software – Fathom– compares whole-life benefits, costs and risks throughout the entire asset life cycle. Fathom takes a holistic approach, looking at the wider benefits to society such as safety, sustainability and environmental impact. This in turn can provide you with a robust business case to support your investments and important decisions in your stock.

Now we can help you achieve optimised housing solutions with a maximum return on investment.

real world

Fathom Results

Lower whole life-cycle costs through better design
1 %
Average time to create a model with conclusions
1 hrs
of maintenance cost savings identified
1 %

What's so special about Fathom?

Confidence in results

Developed to ISO 55001 (international standard for asset management) and ISO 15686-5 (life cycle costing)

Tried & Trusted

Used across the housing sector for multiple purposes, and has received very positive feedback

Award winning

In 2020, Fathom won 2 Constructing Excellence South West awards and a further nod in 2023

Flexible data options

Users can import their current data in any format, eliminating the need for time-consuming data processing

Bespoke to user

Easy to use, set-up and configuration features provide a wide range of flexibility in use of the software

Reporting feature

Tailored results through adaptable reporting templates and formats to suit your organisation

How Fathom can help you

FATHOM is a cloud-based software, so as default your data will be stored online, however, if you wish, you can take this offline.

One of FATHOMs main features is that it can help you quantify not only the extra costs that come with building in a more environmentally friendly way, but it takes into account the additional benefits that a ‘greener’ home provides both the owner and the organisation.

Organisations have used Fathom to identify the optimum build solution for a particular development, and use the data produced to support a business case whether that be for additional funding or within your organisation. This was the way that Fathom was utilised for the business case that won Constructing Excellence awards.

Fathom isn’t just to be used for new builds, you can use it to analyse options of your ageing stock, and identify the best value for money method of handling these properties.

With Fathom, you can identify everything from an entire development site to a individual asset such as a washing machine, ensuring you are achieving maximum value for money across your assets.

As part of a Fathom licence you get access to our experts who can help troubleshoot any issues, or advise you on how to get the best out of Fathom

Arrange a Fathom demo