
Asset Management Policy and Strategic Asset Management Plans

We create your asset management policy and a tailored strategies that is aligned with ISO 55001 that flows from the higher level strategic business plan. We also create and support the development of asset class strategies, data or information strategies, asset management plans and asset management capability improvement plans.

maturity assessments

We undertake maturity assessments in line with ISO 55001, to understand your organisations' awareness and maturity of implementing a system of asset management. By interviewing key personnel and analysing the documents and data within your organisation, we are able to identify any gaps within your organisation that will prevent you from becoming certified with the IAM.

Investment Planning

By ensuring that all assets have an effective and cost-risk-performance investment plan is crucial to ensuring they operate at their optimum level over the whole-life of the assets.

Data and information management

From helping with developing an asset information strategy to designing data and information systems, we can help you align your asset information system to your asset management needs.


Using Fathom, our whole life cycle housing software, we can guide you to selecting the best new build housing solutions that will generate maximum whole life value, taking into consideration direct costs, risks and non-tangible benefits such as lower carbon and social value.


Using Fathom we can optimise your maintenance programmes, using a risk-based approach, aligned to industry standard reliability centred maintenance principles.