We are an independent asset management consultancy firm, founded in 2015 by Craig Demanuele, who has extensive experience of working with gas, oil, water, electricity, transport and affordable housing organisations. As a business, our primary focus is to raise awareness within the social housing sector about the benefits of aligning to the International Standard of Asset Management.
We pride ourselves on delivering best practice asset management advice, transforming complex challenges into practical & efficient solutions across a range of sectors worldwide
Craig Demanuele
Founded CAMS in 2015. 26 years of institutional strengthening and asset management experience across multiple different sectors and continents.
Housing Director
Laura has a degree in Housing Development & Management and over 20 years of experience working in the Social Housing sector. Laura is keen to develop a greater awareness of Asset Management and joined the team as Housing Director in 2023
Degree Apprentice
Oscar joined CAMS in the summer of 2020, and led the development of our FATHOM software. In January 2022 he started a project management degree alongside work.
Senior Consultant
Andy has 22 years of operational and asset management experience working in the Water, Electricity, Rail, Highways Pharmaceutical, Shipping, Oil and Gas Industries.
Jackie has a strong background in change management, restructuring, employee well-being, developing and maintaining client and stakeholder relationships throughout change.
Our team has decades of experience spanning over 14 different sectors across the globe, so you can be sure that you are getting the best possible service.
See how we have helped organisations through our advisory work
Have a look at the training we have delivered worldwide